Business ideas for your vacant land

Business ideas
for your vacant land

How to ensure best monetisation of your land property?

Every land parcel has its own potential for generating revenue, but unless we identify the right option, one could end up with sub optimal results.

Most common questions that haunt owners of land parcels in urban areas are…

o Should I build up a shopping mall? Or a star hotel? Or a resort? Or a wedding destination? Or a multiplex / food joint / restaurant?

o Would residential complex or service apartment would have a better demand instead of a commercial complex?

o Or can there be a mix of options that utilizes space available optimally?

These questions can only be answered through a detailed location evaluation study to understand the current demand and supply for the proposed product / service / product mix.

Solutions from Market Search India

Market Search India’s feasibility study model has helped land owners/ developers to map potential of their land parcel and the ideal product mix that would generate revenue in future.

Our analysis includes defining the catchment areas, mapping the catchment areas, customer profiling the catchment areas and the data gathered from different sources is compiled together to understand the total demand vs. supply and to identify opportunities currently. If not currently, then would demand supply gap created in future and after how many years?

Based on the estimated available market size, revenue projections are done for the client to make rational decision for its investment vs. revenue potential. Market Search India acts as an unbiased partner to assist the client in taking sighted business decisions.

With this approach, we have helped clients like Hiranandani Constructions, Tata Reality & Infrastructure Ltd, Concept Hospitality, Beyond Squarefeet, Mahindra Lifespaces.