
Category: Customer Profiling
Objective: To understand the shopping behaviour of the customers and their profile.
Methodology: Face to face interview
Industry: Retail.
Target group: Key decision maker/influencer for shopping
The client is pioneer for the mall culture in India with an objective of influencing lifestyle. Their malls have universal class and appeal, and they seek to provide a one-stop destination for fashion, lifestyle, food and entertainment leading to an international experience. The existing malls are enjoying enviable presence in the city; they wanted to understand their brand perception.
The challenges…
o To understand how their brand is perceived by the customer visiting the mall.
o To understand the most preferred communication media that target customers prefer.
o To find out the cues for questions like “what would be my entertainment options and food court mix?”
o To understand shopping behaviour and brand preference for different categories like retail and eatery.
Our approach…
Market Search India conducted face to face interviews with the mall visitors by setting up a kiosk in the mall. Customers visiting mall for shopping or entertainment purpose were intercepted. For having appropriate geographical coverage primary, secondary, tertiary catchment areas were selected for both malls.
o The shopping habits which illustrated reasons for preferring/not preferring malls for purchase of different categories were indentified.
o Brand preference for different retail categories was established.
o The eating habits i.e. preferred cuisine of the customer along with its purpose and frequency of eating in the mall was established. We could also understand preferred eatery brand.
o Most preferred activities for entertainment and the travel habit illustrated the customer profile.
o Information like type of housing, payment mode, vehicle ownership, occupation helped in understanding customer in depth. Perception of the client brand vis-à-vis competition was also captured among target respondents.