Employee Engagement Study

Employee Engagement

Category: Employee Engagement Study

Objective: To understand the employee’s satisfaction and engagement levels.

Methodology: Online Interviews.

Target group: Employees of different functions and levels.


The client provides collection and other support services to healthcare providers by leveraging the power of technology, so that their clients can focus on their core business and grow. They felt the need of understanding level of employee engagement so as to take corrective measures and improve efficiencies of their team.

The challenges…

The client was following certain HR policies and work culture. A disconnect was observed among employees which was leading to higher attrition rate. Parameters which could raise the engagement level were also required to understand.

Our approach…

o Online interviews among employees belonging to different functions, levels and handling different clients/ accounts.

o Identified a few key pointers to the cause of dissatisfaction among employees.

o Helped the client to simulate the effect of corrective measures on these key pointers to impact overall engagement levels.

o This unique approach of simulating outcomes before implementing the decision, helped the client to take feasible actions which are effective and economical.


o The overall satisfaction, engagement level, various segments and delight areas were recognized.

o The concern areas were identified that helped the client to take corrective measures.

o Guidelines for immediate and long term action plan to monitor employee engagement level and effectively company’s growth were also provided.