HR Solution
With our expertise in conducting market research solutions, we have started offering HR solutions to our existing and potential clients.
We named it as “Workplace surveys” which gives immense opportunities for getting voice of internal customers i.e. “Employees”. Workplace is something where employees spend maximum time of their work life, so it becomes empirical to understand what employees’ feel while working in their organization.
“Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.” – by Zig Ziglar.
Different types of workplace
surveys carried out
Employee engagement is to ensure that employees are committed to their organization’s goals and at the same time are able to enhance their own sense of well-being.
“This is about how we create the conditions in which employees offer more of their capability and potential.” –David Macleod.
There are differences between attitude, behaviour and outcomes in terms of engagement. Outcomes may include lower accident rates, higher productivity, fewer conflicts, more innovation, lower numbers leaving and reduced sickness rates. But we believe all three – attitudes, behaviours and outcomes – are part of the engage.
Although improved performance and productivity is at the heart of engagement, it cannot be achieved by a mechanistic approach which tries to extract discretionary effort by manipulating employees’ commitment and emotions.
But is employee engagement something new, or simply old wine (long-standing management approaches) in new (fashionable management-speak) bottles? Is it just the latest management fad? We believe that while it does have clear overlaps with analytical antecedents such as commitment, ‘organizational citizenship behaviour’, job involvement and job satisfaction, there are also crucial differences.
An engaged employee experiences a blend of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement and feelings of empowerment. It is a concept that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Despite there being some debate about the precise meaning of employee engagement there are three things we know about it: it is measurable; it can be correlated with performance; and it varies from poor to great. Most importantly employers can do a great deal to impact on people’s level of engagement. That is what makes it so important, as a tool for business success.
Market Search India Private Limited Engagement Model:
Employee engagement means “Understanding the Emotional Connect of the employees with the organization along with the satisfaction level is critical to achieve Business Goals”
1) How it is measured?
1. Affinity – Emotional attachment that gives a sense of belonging with the organization which is based on their belief that they will be able to achieve their personal goals in this organization
2. Satisfaction levels which is more transactional attachment with the organization
Combination of the above two factors are essential to ensure that employees are engaged and contribute to organizations success.
What does this analysis provide?
1) 3 Primary dimensions of Analysis –
Engagement Matrix – this will help us in segregating current employees in 3*3 matrix from ‘Fully engaged’ to ‘Disengaged’.
2) Identifying key engagement drivers –
Parameters which are of high importance and showing lower satisfaction shows the areas of concern for improvement.
3) Scenario building –
This is an advance analysis to help organization make the most from the survey.
a. Decide on which initiatives to start and which to prioritize in order to improve engagement
b. Uncover opportunities for synergy effects when multiple changes are made simultaneously.
c. Understand the effect of chosen initiatives.
d. Optimize the budget by focusing on the initiatives which has high impact on the engagement drivers
An Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey simply measures, how satisfied internal customers or employee within organization are. In particular this survey measures perceptions and impressions of internal service, be it communication, productivity and / or responsiveness. The survey can also be used to measure expectations of internal service – after all, if you’re not 100% certain of exactly what colleagues in other departments expect from you, you will have very little hope of ever truly satisfying their needs.
The survey can either be run on behalf of one specific department (e.g. IT) to get very specific feedback on their performance or it can be run to collect feedback on the performance of all internal services/departments.
The internal feedback survey is used by HR / Management / Marketing / Customer Service / Shared Services and / or Line Managers to draw out feedback from internal customers in order to benchmark internal customer satisfaction, to solicit suggestions for improvement, and try to identify trends related to performance.
Who can participate in this type of survey?
An internal customer is the one who depends on someone else in the organization in order to do their job. It typically covers the supply of information by one employee to another or any action that can support or serve external customers. For example: Technical Support / IT, Customer Service, Finance, Payroll, Legal, Marketing, Operations, Facilities, Training, Reception and / or Administration.
Need for initiating a Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey
Internal customer satisfaction is a much neglected component of customer satisfaction and quality improvement, as the main focus is traditionally external customer satisfaction. Total customer satisfaction can only be obtained if everyone within the company or organisation works together to achieve the common objective, which means meeting the needs and expectations of both internal and external customers/staff.
The Benefits of an Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey
• Measure satisfaction of internal customers and provide a quantitative baseline to compare results. Over time these results can be used to compare, benchmark, measure and spot long term trends, which in turn enables fact-based decision making.
• Learn what strengths and weaknesses the organisation has in order to maximise the strengths and remedy the weaknesses.
• Measure the internal customer satisfaction to reinforce the company’s service orientation, values and mission.
• Motivate staff as everyone works towards a common goal of excellent customer service both internally and externally. E.g. An internal satisfaction target may be set that all departments strive to.
• Reward and recognise the staff, teams and / or individuals who have performed well are recognised and rewarded publicly.
• Assist to direct training spend into much needed areas by identifying the areas where teams and / or individuals have not performed well.
Multi source or 360 degree feedback review is designed to gather anonymous feedback about an employee from the people working most closely with him or her — including direct reports (in the case of managers & supervisors), peers, and managers. The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms.
Managers and leaders within organizations use 360 degree feedback surveys to get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. The 360 feedback system automatically tabulates the results and presents those in a format that helps the feedback recipient create a development plan. Individual responses are always combined with responses from other people in the same rater category (e.g. peer, direct report) in order to preserve anonymity and to give the employee a clear picture of his/her greatest overall strengths and weaknesses.
What a 360 Feedback Survey Measures:
• 360 feedback measures behaviours and competencies.
• 360 assessments provide feedback on how others perceive an employee.
• 360 feedback addresses skills such as listening, planning, and goal-setting.
• A 360 evaluation focuses on subjective areas such as teamwork, character, and leadership effectiveness.
This multisource feedback is usually conducted online with anonymity which is maintained throughout the process.
Organizational climate (known as Corporate Climate) is the process of quantifying the “culture” of an organization, and it precedes the notion of organizational culture.
Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values and beliefs that governs how people in an organization behave.
Objectives of conducting the climate survey –
• To assess the strengths and weaknesses of a company from an organization-wide perspective.
• To solicit employee feelings, opinions and perceptions regarding the organization’s climate or environment.
• To measure employee understanding and commitment to the company’s mission and vision.
• To understand the employees point of view on the changes/ restructuring that are happening in the organisation.
• To make leaders aware of the current climate in the organisation.
• Build solutions to enhance healthy employee climate within the organisation.
Outcomes of organizational climate survey –
• How employees feel about their organization?
• Do they understand their organization’s direction? And their role in achieving it?
• What do they think about their relationship with their manager?
• What would most improve their engagement levels and performance?
• Strength and weakness areas of the organization.
• Are our company’s values understood and perceived as meaningful by employees?
• What areas of improvements should the organization focus on for future growth?
“Connect the dots between individual roles and the goals of the organization. When people see that connection, they get a lot of energy out of work. They feel the importance, dignity, and meaning in their job.” – by Ken Blanchard.
Feedback is about telling people what we think of their performance and how they should do it better—whether they’re giving an effective presentation, leading a team, or creating a strategy. The same applies for an organization where employees share their views about their feeling and opinions while working in the organizations.
Employee feedback can be taken more frequently to understand the impact of any HR initiative/ any process or policy changes and gauge views of employees about it. Intermittent feedbacks helps company to take any corrective measures or reverse action promptly without any delay.
Market Search India have online survey tool and other platforms to conduct different feedback surveys timely basis and track the performance of the organization.
Different types of feedback surveys are as follows –
1. Pulse Surveys –
It is a fast and frequent survey system, that does away with complex questions and is intentionally designed to be done weekly, or every few weeks. They give a quick insight into the health of a company, hence the name ‘pulse’.
2. Employee Opinion Surveys –
It helps in Discovering views and beliefs held by employees.
3. Employee Exit Surveys –
It helps in providing valuable insight into workplace relationships, training, opportunities for growth, and work processes within an organization.
Branding has become an integral element in our daily lives. With the power of branding so persuasive, it plays a role in which company we choose to work for.
The strength of corporate brand has an immediate impact on the employer brand.
What is Employer Branding?
Employer branding is the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employer and identified with the employing organization.
It communicates your identity as an organisation to others. Essentially, it is the process of placing an image of being a “Great place to work” in the minds of existing & prospective employees.
Key benefits of Employer Branding –
• Recruiting the right people is essential for any business success and is a significant competitive advantage.
• A strong employer brand will help to differentiate your organization in the marketplace and attract the best people.
• Employees with right fit or match to your company’s culture will be more likely to thrive in your organization and are likely to have a higher retention potential.
• A strong employer brand should help in lowering turnover and reducing hiring cost and also increase productivity.
• A strong employer brand creates a sense of pride in people working for the organization.
How to conduct employer branding study?
Collect feedback from both internal and external employees, all stakeholders, competition customers to understand the brand image, value preposition and comparative position in the market.
Employer value preposition is an ever evolving concept and needs to be continuously reviewed for relevance and resonance.