Usage And Attitude

Usage And

Category: Usage and attitude.

Methodology: Structured interviews.

Industry: Pharmaceutical.

Target group: Doctors involved in consultation on family planning and prescribing oral contraceptives.


The client, who is a subsidiary of the world’s leading Biopharmaceutical Company, and is the market leader in vaccines and women’s health. In their women’s health care division (WHC) the client has a range of oral contraceptive, which are prescription brands actively promoted to gynecologists & lady GPs. In India, rate of contraceptive use is 3.1 percent, which is quite low when compared with the rate in other nations.

Hence, the client wanted to understand the attitude towards various contraceptive methods & usage of oral contraceptives among the users. The client wanted to study the brand perception of their current oral contraceptive & their usage pattern vis-à-vis competition.

The Challenges Were…

o To understand the involvement of doctors in consultation of family planning which is the first & foremost thing to obtain information about how the whole chain is operated.

o To understand usage pattern & attitude of prescribers towards oral contraceptives.

o To understand current profile of the users and the perception about the oral contraceptives promoted by the client vis-à-vis competition brands.

o Other information areas needed to cover were doctor’s reaction towards emergency pill, its usage level & perceived benefits vs. limitations.

o The usage & perception of new combinations of oral contraceptives, which will make the overall picture clear.

Our Approach…

The sample cities were divided into strong & weak markets for the client to come up with the précised evaluation of their current status.

From the insights,
o Understood the main purpose of visit of the patients and their own perception to go for different contraceptive methods which helped to gauge the potential.

o Identified preferred method of contraception to make it more precise about the scope.